Members of The Econometric Society

Dr Edgar Cooke, Ashesi University College
Dr. Kyle Coombs, Bates College
Antonio Coppola, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Professor Dean Corbae, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Mr Raphael Corbi, University of Sao Paulo
Ms Pauline Corblet, New York University Abu Dhabi
Jaron Cordero, University of Pennsylvania
Johannes Cordier, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Vito Cormun, Santa Clara University
Dr Thomas Cornelissen, UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX
Sofía Correa, University of Chile
Joao Correia-da-Silva, University of Porto
Patricia Cortes, Boston University
Marcel Cortes Peruffo, The University of Sydney
Stephen Cosslett, Ohio State University
Sergio Costa, Universidade de Brasilia
Professor John Cotter, University College Dublin
Mr. Mohamed COULIBALY, HEC Montreal
Prof. Renaud Coulomb, MINES ParisTech
Thomas Covert, University of Chicago
Dr. Gregory Cox, National University of Singapore