Regional Activities

2025 ESIF - Economics+Climate Science (ESIFCLIM)

2025 ESIF - Economics+Climate Science (ESIFCLIM)

March 27 - 28, 2025

Barcelona School of Economics

Econometric Society Interdisciplinary Frontiers and CEPR - Economics+Climate Science , run in conjunction with Barcelona School of Economics

27-28 March 2025
Barcelona School of Economics

2025 World Congress, Seoul, Korea

2025 World Congress, Seoul, Korea

August 18 - 22, 2025

Click here to find out why you should attend.

The 2025 World Congress of the Econometric Society (ESWC 2025) will take place in Seoul, Korea, Monday August 18 to Friday August 22, 2025. The hosts are Seoul National University, Korea University, Sogang University, Sungkyunkwan University, Yonsei University, and the Korean Economic Association.

The World Congress occurs only once every five years and is the focal point of the Society’s meetings in which researchers from all regions of the world convene simultaneously to participate in a program covering all aspects of economics, with a scientific program reflecting the very best work in the profession.

Previous congresses have been held in Rome (1965), Cambridge, UK (1970), Toronto (1975), Aix-en-Provence (1980), Cambridge, USA (1985), Barcelona (1990), Tokyo (1995), Seattle (2000), London (2005), Shanghai (2010), Montréal (2015), with the 2020 ESWC taking place virtually in cooperation with Bocconi University in Milan.

The program chairs are:
Rachel Griffith (lead chair), University of Manchester
Yuriy Gorodnichenko (co-chair), University of California, Berkeley
Michihiro Kandori (co-chair), University of Tokyo
Francesca Molinari (co-chair), Cornell University

The local organizing co-chairs are Yoon-Jae Whang and Jinwoo Kim from Seoul National University. The local organizing committee will be comprised of Korea’s most prominent economists and leading academics.

2025 European Winter Meeting, Nicosia, Cyprus

2025 European Winter Meeting, Nicosia, Cyprus

December 7 - 9, 2025

Nicosia, Cyprus

We are delighted to announce that the European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society will be hosted by the Department of Economics at the University of Cyprus on December 7-9, 2025.

Program Chair, Pedro Mira (CEMFI)
Local Organizing Chair, Dimitrios Xefteris (University of Cyprus)

2026 North American Winter Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

2026 North American Winter Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

January 3 - 5, 2026

Philadelphia, PA

We are pleased to announce that the 2026 North American Winter Meeting will take place in Philadelphia, PA (USA) Jan. 3-Jan. 5, 2026 as part of the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA).

Program Chair: Dave Donaldson, MIT

2026 CSW Asia Meeting (Main), Abu Dhabi

2026 CSW Asia Meeting (Main), Abu Dhabi

January 23 - 25, 2026

We are pleased to announce that the main meeting of the Asia region will take place January 23-25, 2026 at NYU Abu Dhabi.

Hotelling lectures: Michihiro Kandori, University of Tokyo

Scientific Program Committee (NYUAD)
Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis (Chair)
Valentina Corradi
Maximilian Mihm
John Wooders

Local Organization Committee (NYUAD)
Maximilian Mihm (Chair)
Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis
John Wooders

2026 North American Summer Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia

2026 North American Summer Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia

June 4 - 7, 2026

Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

2026 Africa Meeting, Cairo, Egypt

2026 Africa Meeting, Cairo, Egypt

June 10 - 13, 2026

The American University in Cairo School of Business

2026 Africa Meeting, Cairo, Egypt

Program Chairs: Mohamed Bouaddi, Dalia Ghanem
Local Committee: Samer Atallah (Chair)

2026 Asia Meeting-China, Hong Kong

2026 Asia Meeting-China, Hong Kong

June 20 - 22, 2026

Hong Kong University, Hong Kong

2026 European Summer Meeting (ESEM), Dublin, Ireland

2026 European Summer Meeting (ESEM), Dublin, Ireland

August 17 - 21, 2026

Graduate Business School, University College Dublin

We are pleased to announce the 2026 European Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESEM) that will be hosted by the Graduate Business School, University College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, August 17-21, 2026.

Local Organizing Chair: Alessia Paccagnini

2026 Australasia Meeting, Southern Australia

2026 Australasia Meeting, Southern Australia

November 24 - 27, 2026

We are pleased to announce that the 2026 Australasia meeting will take place at the University of Adelaide Adelaide,
South Australia, November 24–27, 2026.