Members of The Econometric Society

Emil Temnyalov, University of Technology Sydney
Nicholas Tenev, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Rafael Tenorio, DePaul University
Prof Silvana Tenreyro, London School of Economics
Ken Teoh, International Monetary Fund
Yaz Terajima, Bank of Canada
Kazuhiro Teramoto, Hitotsubashi UNIVERSITY
Anthony Terriau, Le Mans University
Joël Terschuur, University of Geneva
Stefan Terstiege, Maastricht University
Professor Michele Tertilt, University of Mannheim
Marko Terviö, Aalto University
Mr. Narumi Teshima, Keio University
Dr Amdissa Teshome, Ethiopian Economics Association
Jose Tessada, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Prof Aleksey Tetenov, University of Geneva
PhD Anastasija Tetereva, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Carlos Tetteh, University of Ghana
Professor Alexander Teytelboym, University of Oxford
Mr. Pratik Thakkar, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai
Ashutosh Thakur, National University of Singapore
Dr. Sounak Thakur, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur