Members of The Econometric Society

Patricia Cortes, Boston University
Marcel Cortes Peruffo, The University of Sydney
Stephen Cosslett, Ohio State University
Sergio Costa, Universidade de Brasilia
Professor John Cotter, University College Dublin
Mr. Mohamed COULIBALY, HEC Montreal
Prof. Renaud Coulomb, MINES ParisTech
Thomas Covert, University of Chicago
Dr. Gregory Cox, National University of Singapore
Philip Coyle, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professor Peter Cramton, University of Maryland
Professor Vincent Crawford, University of California, San Diego
Jonathan Créchet, University of Ottawa
Julio Alberto Crego Cobelo, Nova School of Business and Economics
Angela Crema, Yale University
Jacques Cremer, Toulouse School of Economics
Carlos Ordas Criado, Laval University
Professor Martin Cripps, University College London
Dr. Robin Cross, Oregon State University
German Cubas, University of Houston
Prof. Jingbo Cui, Duke Kunshan University
Dr Liyuan Cui, City University of Hong Kong
Dr Wei Cui Wei Cui, University College London