Members of The Econometric Society

Dr. Thomas Lanier, Litigation Analytics
Benjamin Larin, Jönköping University
Bradley Larsen, Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis
Morten Lau, Copenhagen Business School
professor Victor Lavy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nicholas Lawson, Dalhousie University
Professor Rafael Lazimy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dr Duong Le, World Bank
Ngu Le Van, Hanoi University of Industry
René Leal, El Colegio de México
Dr Adam Lee, BI Norwegian Business School
Assistant Professor Byoungchan Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Byung Soo Lee, Rotman School of Management
Byung-Jae Lee, Yonsei University
Miss Eui Jung Lee, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST)
Eungik Lee, Indiana University
Gea M. Lee, Singapore Management University
Hanbaek Lee, The University of Tokyo