New Papers Posted to Econometrica’s Forthcoming Page

The following papers have been accepted and posted to Econometrica’s forthcoming page and may be viewed here: 
Kyle Bagwell, Robert W. Staiger, and Ali Yurukoglu
Levon Barseghyan, Maura Coughlin, Francesca Molinari, and Joshua C. Teitelbaum
Jess Benhabib, Jesse Perla, and Christopher Tonetti
Vivek Bhattacharya
J. Aislinn Bohren and Daniel N. Hauser
Liyu Dou and Ulrich K. Müller
Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu, and Philipp Strack
Menzel, Konrad
Eben Lazarus, Daniel J. Lewis, and James H. Stock
José Luis Montiel Olea and Mikkel Plagborg-Møller