New Papers Posted to Econometrica’s Forthcoming Page

The following papers have been accepted and posted to Econometrica’s forthcoming page and may be viewed here: 

Market Selection and the Information Content of Prices
Alp E. Atakan and Mehmet Ekmekci

Inequality, Business Cycles, and Monetary-Fiscal Policy
Anmol Bhandari, David Evans, Mikhail Golosov, and Thomas J. Sargent

Inferring Inequality with Home Production
Job Boerma and Loukas Karabarbounis

Capital Buffers in a Quantitative Model of Banking Industry Dynamics
Dean Corbae and Pablo D’Erasmo

Investment Demand and Structural Change
Manuel García-Santana, Josep Pijoan-Mas, and Lucciano Villacorta

Are Poor Cities Cheap for Everyone? Non-Homotheticity and the Cost of Living Across U.S. Cities
Jessie Handbury

An Axiomatic Model of Persuasion
Alexander M. Jakobsen

The Reputation Trap
David K. Levine

Identification at the Zero Lower Bound
Sophocles Mavroeidis

Media Competition and Social Disagreement
Jacopo Perego and Sevgi Yuksel