New Papers Posted to Theoretical Economics’ Forthcoming Page

The following papers have been accepted and posted to Theoretical Economics’ forthcoming page and may be viewed here:
Yaron Azrieli
Paulo Barelli and John Duggan
Adam Brandenburger, Alexander Danieli, and Amanda Friedenberg
Battal Dogan and Lars Ehlers
Ran Eilat, Kfir Eliaz, and Xiaosheng Mu
Jaehong Kim and Mengling Li
Steven Kivinen and Norovsambuu Tumennasan
Anton Kolotilin and Hongyi Li
Rumen Kostadinov
Ujjwal Kumar, Souvik Roy, Arunava Sen, Sonal Yadav, and Huaxia Zeng
Karl H. Schlag and Andriy Zapechelnyuk