2018 Asian Meeting

2018 Asian Meeting

Website: http://ames.sogang.ac.kr/html/main.php
Paper Submission:https://editorialexpress.com/conference/AMES2018

The 2018 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society will be held on June 21-23, 2018, at Sogang University, Seoul.

The Program Committee Chairs are Jang-Ok Cho (Sogang University), In Choi (Sogang University) and Chongmin Kim (Kookmin University).

The Hotelling lecture of 2018 AMES will be delivered by Professor Yuliy Sannikov of Standford University.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission: November 1, 2017 - February 15, 2018

Decision Notification Deadline: March 31, 2018

Preliminary Program Announcement: April 15, 2018

Early Registration Deadline: April 20, 2018

Registration Deadline: May 20, 2018

Important Notes for Paper Submission:

  • All submissions should be sent through Conference Maker for 2018 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society
  • Each author may submit one paper only. Being a co-author in multiple papers is acceptable, provided that each author would present only one paper.
  • Accepted papers will be presented in contributed sessions of three to four papers each.
  • At least one co-author must be a member of the Econometric Society or join before submission.