2018 Delhi Winter School

2018 Delhi Winter School

Delhi Winter School 2018
December 10-13, 2018
Delhi, India
Website: http://econdse.org/ws2018/

The Econometric Society, jointly with the Centre for Development Economics and the Department of Economics at the Delhi School of Economics, will hold the Delhi Winter School December 10-13, 2018, at the Delhi School of Economics in Delhi, India.

The invited speakers for DWS2018 are Manuel Arellano (CEMFI, Madrid), John Leahy (University of Michigan), George Mailath (University of Pennsylvania) and Christopher Udry (Northwestern University). Each invited speaker will deliver three lectures. The School will also feature presentations of selected contributed papers by junior scholars. Graduate students and junior faculty are strongly encouraged to submit papers for this part of the programme.

The contributed paper submission process closed September 15, 2018. 

Registration for DWS2018 is open October 5 through December 13. For information and registration, please visit http://econdse.org/ws2018-registration/.  The registration fee includes admission to all scientific sessions, meeting information, coffee breaks, lunches and social events. Submitters of papers and participants in DWS2018 do not have to be members of the Econometric Society. However, a person interested in joining the Society may please visit https://www.econometricsociety.org.

For information about funding possibilities, details of the programme as it takes shape, visa requirements and local arrangements, please visit