2019 Election Results: Regional Standing Committees of the Econometric Society

I am happy to announce the results of the elections of voting members
of the Regional Standing Committees of the Econometric Society.
The newly elected members are:

Yaw Nyarko
New York University

Been-Lon Chen
Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Jessica Pan
National University of Singapore and Institute of Labor Economics

Peter Bossaerts
The University of Melbourne

Rodney Strachan
The University of Queensland

Europe and Other Areas:
Gabrielle Demange
Paris School of Economics

Latin America:
Aloisio Araujo
EPGE/FGV & Instituto Nacional de Matemàtica Pura e Aplicada, Brazil

Tomas Rau
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

North America:
Serena Ng
Columbia University

Congratulations to the newly elected members. I welcome them to their respective
Regional Standing Committees. Thanks also to everyone who agreed to stand for
election, and to the members who voted in the elections last month.

Stephen Morris
President of the Econometric Society