April 3, 2024
Announcing the Launch of the Econometric Society Conference Paper Archive
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Econometric Society Conference Paper Archive, a working paper archive for papers presented at Society conferences. Society members will be offered the opportunity to post their papers permanently on the site after presentation at any regional meeting, the World Congress, or other Society conference. Presenters will also be able to upload slides from the talk if desired.
The archive will hold papers from 2024 on. We will soon be reaching out to those who have already presented at 2024 meetings, specifically, the North American Winter Meeting in San Antonio and the Asia Meeting-C/S/W that took place in Delhi, India. Thereafter, we will send an email to each group of presenters following the conference at which they presented.
We encourage members to update their papers in the archive as they are revised over time. Papers in the archive will be linked to the member's profile as well as the associated regional website.
Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions on this or other Society initiatives.
March 5, 2024
Announcing the New Journal Editors
The terms of the Editors of the Econometric Society's three journals end June 30, 2025. We are pleased to announce the incoming Editors and to thank the outgoing Editors for their excellent and continuing service.
Econometrica: Since 2019, Guido Imbens has served as the 14th Editor of Econometrica. On July 1, 2025, Marina Halac will become the Editor.
Quantitative Economics: Stéphane Bonhomme has been the Editor of Quantitative Economics since 2021. His successor will be Bernard Salanié.
Theoretical Economics: The Editor of Theoretical Economics since 2021 has been Simon Board. Taking over for him in July 2025 will be Federico Echenique.
Guido, Stéphane, and Simon have been outstanding Editors. We are grateful to them for the work they have done and will continue to do, and we look forward to further congratulating them next year. We believe Marina, Bernard, and Federico will be outstanding successors and we thank them in advance for their service.
Finally, we are grateful to Larry Samuelson for chairing all three search committees, and we thank the search committee members for their hard and fruitful work:
Econometrica: Christian Dustmann, Lars Hansen, Alessandro Lizzeri, George Mailath, Ariel Pakes, Helene Rey, and Elie Tamer.
QE: Kate Ho, Michael Keane, Felix Kubler, Whitney Newey, and Frank Schorfheide.
TE: Jeff Ely, Johannes Horner, Gilat Levy, Meg Meyer, and Ran Spiegler.
February 8, 2024
Announcing New Econometric Society Prizes and Lectures Series
We are pleased to announce the addition of three new prizes and three new lectures series sponsored by the Econometric Society.
The three new prizes are the Arrow Prize, the Haavelmo Prize, and the Sonnenschein Service Prize. The three added lectures series are the Blackwell-Robinson Omnibus Lectures (for interdisciplinary/cross-field research), the Lewis-Ostrom Lectures in Applied Economics, and the Lucas-Modigliani Lectures in Macroeconomics and Finance.
The first two new prizes parallel the Frisch Medal. First awarded in 1978, the Frisch Medal is presented every other year for the best applied economics paper in Econometrica in the previous four years.
The Arrow Prize will be given to the best theory paper in Econometrica in the past four years, while the Haavelmo Prize will be awarded to the best econometrics paper in Econometrica over that period. The Frisch Medal, Arrow Prize, and Haavelmo Prize will be given in even-numbered years, with the latter two being awarded for the first time in 2024.
The third new award, the Sonnenschein Service Prize, will be given in recognition of extraordinary service to the Econometric Society or the profession at large. It will be awarded every year, starting in 2024, with the recipient chosen by the President of the Society and the chairs of the six Regional Standing Committees.
December 19, 2023
Announcing the First Conference in a New Interdisciplinary Series: The 2024 ESIF Economics and AI+ML Meeting
The 2024 ESIF Economics and AI+ML Meeting
August 13 - 14, 2024,
Cornell University, Ithaca, United States
The Econometric Society is pleased to announce an interdisciplinary conference on Economics and AI+ML, the first in a series of Econometric Society Interdisciplinary Frontiers (ESIF) conferences.
The purpose of the Economics and AI+ML Meeting, which will be held at Cornell University, in Ithaca NY (USA) on August 13-14, 2024, is to foster interaction of ideas and methodologies from the areas of Computer Science and Economics (broadly defined, but with emphasis on AI and ML). The conference will feature keynote lectures and parallel sessions, bringing together scholars from both fields.
The ESIF series more broadly will promote interdisciplinary approaches to important economic issues and global challenges, with each conference hosted or co-hosted by various regions of the Econometric Society. The 2024 ESIF Economics and AI+ML Meeting is hosted by the North America region.
Important Dates for the 2024 ESIF Economics and AI+ML Meeting
Submissions open: December 20, 2023
Paper Submission Period: December 20, 2023 – February 25, 2024
Decision Notification Deadline: April 21, 2024
Registration Period (for presenters): April 21, 2024 – May 4, 2024
Preliminary Program Announcement: May 25, 2024
Keynote Speakers
Susan Athey (Stanford University)
David Blei (Columbia University)
Avrim Blum (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)
Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde (University of Pennsylvania)
Michael I. Jordan (University of California, Berkeley)
Whitney Newey (MIT)
Program Committee
Co-Chairs: Francesca Molinari and Eva Tardos (Cornell University)
Committee Members:
Dirk Bergemann, Yale University
Larry Blume, Cornell University
Emma Brunskill, Stanford University
Sarah Dean, Cornell University
David Easley, Cornell University
Avi Goldfarb, University of Toronto
Nika Haghtalab, University of California, Berkeley
Jason Hartline, Northwestern University
Hoda Heidari, Carnegie Mellon University
Nicole Immorlica, Microsoft Research
Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University
Kevin Leyton-Brown, University of British Columbia
Annie Liang, Northwestern University
Elena Manresa, New York University
Paul Milgrom, Stanford University
Jose (Pepe) Montiel-Olea, Cornell University
Sendhil Mullainathan, University of Chicago
Pasqual Restrepo, Boston University
Tuomas Sandholm, Carnegie Mellon University
Devavrat Shah, MIT
Joerg Stoye, Cornell University
Vasilis Syrgkanis, Stanford University
Martin Wainwright, MIT
December 5, 2023
The Econometric Society Announces the Winners of its Regional Standing Committee Elections
The Econometric Society is pleased to announce the winners of the Regional Standing Committee Elections. Elections took place in all Society regions. Terms will begin Jan. 1, 2024.
Rim Lahmandi-Ayed, Carthage University, Tunisia
Damian Kalu Ude, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture
Fumio Hayashi, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Takako Fujiwara-Greve, Keio University
Jonathan Newton, Kyoto University
Sascha Becker, Monash University
Begona Dominguez, University of Queensland
Europe and Other Areas
Volker Nocke, University of Mannheim
Ran Spiegler, Tel Aviv University & University College London
Latin America
Sofia Bauducco, Central Bank of Chile
Ernesto Schargrodsky, UTDT/CAF – Development Bank of Latin America
North America
Yuriy Gorodnichenko, University of California, Berkeley
November 8, 2023
Two At-Large Members Elected to the Society's Executive Committee
We are pleased to announce that Aureo de Paula and Jan Eeckhout have been elected by the Council as At-Large members to the Society's Executive Committee. Jan Eeckhout has been elected to a four-year term starting January 1, 2024, and Aureo de Paula has been elected to complete Nobuhiro Kiyotaki's term and so will serve for three years beginning January 1, 2024. (Nobu Kiyotaki was recently elected 2024 Second Vice-President.)
We thank Hélène Rey for her invaluable contributions to the Executive Committee over the past four years and we thank Nobu for his service this last year as an At-Large member of the EC. We look forward to his coming service as Second Vice-President and beyond.
October 16, 2023
Changes in Publication of Econometric Society Journals
Starting in 2024, Econometrica, Quantitative Economics, and Theoretical Economics, will be (with exceptions noted below) online only. Online-only subscriptions now make up 90% of all Society memberships and it is not cost effective or environmentally desirable to retain print editions.
There are two exceptions to this policy. First, some library subscriptions to Econometrica will continue to include print volumes.
Second, there will be a "Print on Demand" option to purchase a printed volume of Econometrica at an extra charge. Members will have the option of making this purchase at a significant discount relative to the usual price of this option. More details will be available on our website later.
Econometrica will continue to be available to members on our website and in the Wiley Online Library and QE and TE will continue to be open access journals with free availability through our website as well as in the Wiley Online Library.
October 9, 2023
Congratulations to Claudia Goldin, Winner of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics
The Econometric Society congratulates Claudia Goldin, the Henry Lee Professor of Economics at Harvard University, elected Fellow of the Econometric Society in 1991, for being awarded the 2023 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. She received the prize “for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes.” The Nobel committee notes that Claudia Goldin "provided the first comprehensive account of women’s earnings and labour market participation through the centuries. Her research reveals the causes of change, as well as the main sources of the remaining gender gap." https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/2023/press-release/
October 9, 2023
The Econometric Society Announces its 2023 Fellows
The Society is pleased to announce the election of 29 new Fellows of the Econometric Society.
The 2023 Fellows of the Econometric Society
Nava Ashraf, London School of Economics
Steve Bond, University of Oxford
Tilman Börgers, University of Michigan
Robin Burgess, London School of Economics
Gabriel Carroll, University of Toronto
Yongsung Chang, Seoul National University/Bank of Korea
Dean Corbae, University of Wisconsin – Madison
October 7, 2023
The Econometric Society Announces the Results of its Election of Officers and Council.
The Econometric Society is pleased to announce the results of its election of officers and council.
The following have been elected to serve as officers in 2024:
Eliana La Ferrara, Harvard Kennedy School, has been elected President.
Larry Samuelson, Yale University, has been elected First Vice-President. He will presumably become President in 2025.
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, Princeton University, has been elected Second Vice-President. He will presumably become First Vice-President in 2025.
Barton Lipman, Boston University, has been re-elected Executive Vice-President.
The following have been elected to the Council for 2024 (in alphabetical order within region):
June 30, 2023