September 8, 2020
The Society Makes Available Jean Tirole's Tribute to World Congress Program Chair Emmanuel Farhi
The Society earlier reported with great sadness the passing of Emmanuel Farhi, who died unexpectedly July 23 in Cambridge, Massachusets. He was one of the program chairs of the 2020 World Congress of the Econometric Society. During the Congress, Jean Tirole delivered a special tribute in his honor. Following…August 17, 2020
2020 Frisch Medal Awarded
The Econometric Society is pleased to announce that the 2020 Frisch Medal selection committee of Steven Berry (Chair), Marianne Bertrand, and Stephen Redding has awarded this year’s Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society to Kate Ho and Robin Lee for their paper, "Insurer Competition in Health Care Markets”, (Econometrica,…July 21, 2020
3 Weeks Left to Register for the World Congress
REGISTRATION To register, please click here
Registration Dates: Presenter registration closed Sunday, June 7, 2020 Non-presenter registration deadline: Friday August 7, 2020
Non-Presenter Registration Fee, all categories: $10
Additional Information Additional information can be found at
For the live invited program, click here. To access the contributed session program,…
May 22, 2020
Virtual World Congress Registration is Now Open
The Econometric Society and Bocconi University 2020 Virtual World Congress Registration is Now Open To register, please click here. (If you do not already have a Conference Maker account, please follow the instructions after clicking on the link to create an account and then register.)Included in the registration fee: Password-protected access to all live sessions, including five plenary lectures, ten parallel invited sessions and five policy sessions;…
April 29, 2020
Announcing the Society's First Virtual World Congress in Partnership with Bocconi University
We are thrilled to announce, in partnership with Bocconi University, the first ever virtual World Congress. Over the past few weeks, the Econometric Society and Bocconi University have been working very hard to make the virtual version of the World Congress a success. Of course, we were all excited to enjoy Bocconi…April 16, 2020
The Society Postpones Implementation of Publication and Submission Fees
In view of the difficult circumstances surrounding COIVID 19 and the financial impact it has had on so many, the Executive Committee of the Society decided yesterday to postpone the collection of submission and publication fees until September 1, 2020.April 13, 2020
Econometric Society Announces a Gold Open Access Option for Econometrica
The Econometric Society has always been in favor of the broadest possible dissemination of academic research. As you know, Quantitative Economics and Theoretical Economics have been open access journals since their inception. The Executive Committee agreed at its last meeting to move Econometrica to a hybrid journal…March 31, 2020
The Econometric Society Announces Submission and Publication Fees For Its Three Journals
The Executive Committee of the Econometric Society has approved two modest fees associated with the submission and publication of papers in its three journals: Econometrica, Quantitative Economics and Theoretical Economics.The following fees will be implemented beginning Friday, May 1, 2020 for all original papers submitted after this date: a submission fee of…
March 3, 2020
Update: No Plans to Postpone or Cancel World Congress
Because of the global challenges presented by COVID-19, many members have been asking whether we plan to postpone or cancel this summer's World Congress in Milan scheduled for August 17-August 21, 2020. Rest assured, we have no plans to postpone or cancel at this time. We want to let you know that the World Congress…February 18, 2020
RSC Election Outcomes, 2020
We are pleased to report the election of the following members to their respective Regional Standing Committees. There were 599 members who voted in 2019 for the 2020 RSC.North America
Steve Berry
Europe and Other Areas
Michele Tertilt
Jean-Charles Rochet
Latin America
Matias Cattaneo
Cecilia Machado
December 3, 2019
In Rememberance of Franklin M. Fisher
The Society reports with great sadness the passing of Franklin M. Fisher who served as the Society's President in 1979. Franklin M. Fisher, by James M. Poterba and Michael D. Whinston 23, 2019